
The Convoy of 2135 Birds will be liberated at 10am into a very light North Wind

Please Note ,Any Views Regarding the Running of the Solway Federation

Will Require to be put in Writing and signed

Then Posted to Federation … Read more

Young Bird Information

Race Marking Friday 7th August for Stainmore Race

All races then as race card .


With starting a week late The Stainmore comeback will be removed

There will be Young Bird Training Midweek from Appleby

Either Tuesday 11th /Wednesday … Read more

Appleby Club Results

The leading three club positions in Sunday’s Appleby race –

Congratulations to the following fanciers –

Brydekirk –

1st – RJB Renwick 970.41

2nd – H Dobie 961.14

3rd – RJB Renwick 957.55

Hoddom –

1st – J Dalgliesh 1004.99… Read more