This photograph (featured in this week’s edition of The Racing Pigeon)was taken at the 25th Anniversary Dinner of the Solway Federation, which was held on 14th February, 1953. A list of those in attendance is shown below.
The persons included in the photograph are…
Top (l to r) R.Thomson and L.Horsburgh
3rd Row (l to r) J.McKay, J.Bell, T.Nelson, J.Thomson, W.Mason and J.Aitchison
2nd Row (l to r) J.Hadden (Federation Secretary), W.Kirk, J.Ross, R.R.Kirkham (Federation Treasurer), G.Jackson, D.Latimer, G.Gass, G.Roddick, E.Munro, M.Kirkpatrick, W.McMillan and C.Gibson.
Front Row (l to r) John Mitchell (Writer for The British Homing World), A.Black (President of the Scottish Homing Union), W.J.Gass (President of the Solway Federation), W.J.Robertson, J.Burns, D.Smith (Vice President of the Solway Federation).