Current updated news

Please check with your federation delegate who will inform you of current update

They will have this information by Saturday 6th June

If no delegate your secretary will inform you

Letters arriving with Secretary’s Monday 8th June

Thank you for … Read more

Shu Update

Directive from SHU

Sunday 24th May 2020

Individual Loft Training will be permitted from Thursday 28th May

Phase 1

This allows meeting up with 1 person from a different household whilst adhering to social distancing of 2 metres

Therefore group … Read more

Coronavirus Update Situation etc

Directive from the Scottish Homing Union

1 ) All Pigeon Training,Racing showing or gatherings are currently Prohibited at Least until 14th May

Further Statements will be issued to federation officials as and when directed by British Government .

2) All … Read more

2020 Race Programme

As per recent Management committee meeting

And minutes forwarded to committee delegates and club secretary’s

Old Birds

18th April Appleby

25th April Stainmore

2nd May Ripon

9th May Wetherby

16th May Worksop

23rd May Newark

30th May SNFC

6th June … Read more

Best Wishes for Season 2020

Contact Details for Secretary

Julie Currie

37 Smith Way


DG10  9QH

Contact Details for President

Michael Currie


2 Annandale Road


DG10 9BB

Mobile Number 07889179546

Management Committee Members will be informed shortly with an agenda for a … Read more