Driver / Convoyer

Mr Pike has informed the federation that he has taken up an offer of full time employment

We would like to wish him well and thank him for the first class care he gave to our birds during the season … Read more

Racing Information

Good evening all,

As from today, 21st April, the Government (defra) have lifted bird gathering restrictions which allows us to commence racing.

The Scottish Government lifts travel restrictions into England as from Monday 26th April, which will allow Solway fanciers … Read more

General Information Update

Having Had Discussions with the Majority of the Federation Committee on a whatsapp page that was set up by myself the following proposals have been agreed on .

As meetings are still currently not allowed due to covid  restrictions and … Read more

Forthcoming Season 2021

A statement is going to be made this week by the Scottish First Minister regarding the proposed easing of current restrictions and new tier systems

The date at present is the 26th of April which would after directed by the … Read more

Postal Vote Results

Good evening all, Firstly thank you to all who responded.

Please see below the results of the postal vote –

Vice President –

Stanley Boyd – 22 votes

Dennis Anderson – 73 votes

Race Programme –

Race points per 2020 … Read more

Postal Vote

It has been brought to my Attention that a Federation Member feels that the Agm votes should be verified after I as Federation Secretary have counted them .

If anyone has any objections to me solely counting the Votes and … Read more