Club Results

The Leading three Club Positions in Yesterday’s Stainmore Race

Congratulations to the Following Fanciers


N McCulloch & Son 1st,2nd,3rd  Vel 1229,1191,1183

Nith Valley

1st A Russell 1528  2nd A,R,Cumming 1520  3rd G Russell 1505

Dumfries FC

M Halliday 1st,2nd,3rd  … Read more

Race Programme Update

Due to Ripon Racepoint being closed at Present as stated by RPRA when rebooking liberation sites

Programme as Follows

20th June Stainmore

27th June Wetherby

4th July Worksop

11th July Newark

18th July Huntingdon

Please note email Address

As printed … Read more

Current updated news

Please check with your federation delegate who will inform you of current update

They will have this information by Saturday 6th June

If no delegate your secretary will inform you

Letters arriving with Secretary’s Monday 8th June

Thank you for … Read more

Shu Update

Directive from SHU

Sunday 24th May 2020

Individual Loft Training will be permitted from Thursday 28th May

Phase 1

This allows meeting up with 1 person from a different household whilst adhering to social distancing of 2 metres

Therefore group … Read more

Coronavirus Update Situation etc

Directive from the Scottish Homing Union

1 ) All Pigeon Training,Racing showing or gatherings are currently Prohibited at Least until 14th May

Further Statements will be issued to federation officials as and when directed by British Government .

2) All … Read more