Stainmore Club Results 8th August

The leading three club positions in Saturday’s Stainmore race –

Congratulations to the following fanciers –

Hoddom –

1st & 2nd – J Dalgliesh 1390.16 & 1374.25

3rd – G Dalgliesh & Son 1366.97

Lockerbie –

1st, 2nd & 3rd – D Robinson 1338.32, 1337.67 & 1335.07

Dumfries F.C –

1st – Mr & Mrs Guenther & G/Son 1389.30

2nd & 3rd – J Brown 1355.10 & 1353.79

Springfield –

1st, 2nd & 3rd – S Allen 1377.50, 1373.99 & 1373.21

Annan –

1sr, 2nd & 3rd – A Simmons 1397.99, 1384.49 & 1377.83

Eastriggs –

1st & 2nd – E Hodgson & Sons 1395.73 & 1394.27

3rd – A McMillan 1391.50

Nith Valley –

1st, 2nd & 3rd – A Hay 1426.55, 1425.97 & 1425.10

Brydekirk –

1st & 2nd – R J B Renwick 1352.84 & 1351.49

3rd – S J Irving Loft 2 – 1336.70

Langholm –

1st – A Henderson 1127.22

2nd – K Little 1101.10

3rd – A Henderson 970.24

Dalbeattie –

1st, 2nd & 3rd – J Phillips 1242.04, 1206.22 & 1205.51

Well done everyone.


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